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Inside Bad Company 1974-1982
【艺人/名称】 Bad Company
1cd 稀有珍藏!
英文 | 摇滚类→流行/经典
◎ 简短评论
     am huge Paul Rodgers fan that grew up with Bad Company and later discovered Free. I bought this hoping to see some early live performances of the band and I really wasn’t too dissappointed. I knew in advance that there would not be any complete performances and there are not. The clips which I think were all from Don Kirchners Rock Concert were edited and interrupted by the expert reviewers so it was a little annoying. However, there were some clips that weren’t too short and somewhat enjoyable.

This DVD would definitely had been worth the money had the clips been shown in their entirety or even better if they had the complete performance included at the end or on a second disc.

I have no idea if there are any plans for the release of Bad Company’s Don Kirshner’s performance. Also, I don’t believe I saw this particular performance when it first aired but I did see Bad Company perform but it was a different performance. So, I think there may have been two separate appearances by Bad Company on Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert. Wouldn’t it be great it they were released on DVD like the Deep Purple performance at the California Jam was release by ABC’s In Concert?

Come on, Don Kirshner release this and I will guarantee that I will buy it.

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